Sunday, 18 December 2016

FAMILY MATTERS:The Perfect Home With Mrs. Ogechukwu IGBELINA, 08067670740

The home is one of the three most important institutions ordained by God for man. The two others include the government and the church. The home remains the most fundamental with its root on the marriage institution.
    The word “Home” means a person's dwelling place of origin. A home serves as a base for life. It makes living conducive, since it is an abode of care, protection, provision, training and mutual love.
    A home is made up of a family such as man, his wife and children. These three constitute what is called “the nuclear family,” while the constitution of the parents, brothers, sisters, cousins, nieces, step-brothers and sisters of the couples, forms the extended family members.
    The supposed order that should prevail in any home is such the man is the head and controller, also the breadwinner. He is assisted by his wife, and supported by the children. Originally, God evolved the first perfect home in the Garden of Eden with Adam and Eve as the first couple ever recorded in the scripture of Genesis 1 and 2.
    The man and his wife existed fundamentally as suitable and compatible entities from a common source, then become united as one flesh and living together as one entity, sharing everything jointly without concealing any issue whatsoever from each other.
The root of perfection in marriage is development, love, peace, joy harmony, good understanding and communication.
In perfect Godly home, the woman is not only the part of the man but helpmate fashioned out of the will of God. Both couples are actually detached from one common interest referred to as “one flesh.” The man is expected to plan very well towards marriage, if a perfect home must be achieved. Qualities that must apply in a home include: gentleness, kindness, goodness, faith, mildness and self-control. Domineering attitude should be dropped at this point in time.
    The home is said to be perfect only when these fundamental conditions are met among other protruding virtues of life that are bound to elope with time. But, it is unfortunate that most homes on the contemporary world of mankind had in many ways, missed the fundamental objectives of the past and are only struggling on the peripheral to realize the impossible.  
    No man can be a good leader if his home is not organized; the roles of fathers in the church are quite immense which include the pillars of the church and as well as the family. The fathers own the church, the Christian mothers and the youths which explain that hardly can the women and youths take up a financial task without going back to their roots, that is the father. Such great responsibility was being placed on men by God. 
A home is the most sensitive and responsive component of the church and society which had to be taken proper care of and its entities should be trained to be responsible, disciplined and progressively fruitful to the family, church and society at large. It is the nucleus human of the society and habitation to build a good foundation and also nurture it into perfection.
I wish to conclude with the saying that there is no place like home and charity, they say, begins at home.  

Prolife Issues With Rev Fr Ofordum JohnPaul:Prolife Quotations By Mother Theresa Of Calcutta

“That special power of loving that belongs to a woman is seen most clearly when she becomes a mother. Motherhood is the gift of God to women. How grateful we must be to God for this wonderful gift that brings such joy to the whole world, women and men alike! Yet we can destroy this gift of motherhood, especially by the evil of abortion, but also by thinking that other things like jobs or positions are more important than loving, than giving oneself to others. No job, no plans, no possessions, no idea of "freedom" can take the place of love. So anything that destroys God's gift of motherhood destroys His most precious gift to women-- the ability to love as a woman." (Mother Theresa's Letter to the Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing, 1995 ).
"We must not be surprised when we hear of murders, of killings, of wars, of hatred. If a mother can kill her own child, what is left but for us to kill each other."
"Once that living love is destroyed by contraception, abortion follows very easily."
"It is a poverty to decide that a child must die so that you may live as you wish."
"Abortion kills twice. It kills the body of the baby and it kills the conscience of the mother. Abortion is profoundly anti-women. Three quarters of its victims are women: Half the babies and all the mothers."
"America needs no words from me to see how your decision in Roe v. Wade has deformed a great nation. The so-called right to abortion has pitted mothers against their children and women against men. It has shown violence and discord at the heart of the most intimate human relationships. It has aggravated the derogation of the father's role in an increasingly fatherless society. It has portrayed the greatest of gifts a child as a competitor, an intrusion, and an inconvenience. It has nominally accorded mothers unfettered dominion over the independent lives of their physically dependent sons and daughters. And in granting this unconscionable power, it has exposed many women to unjust and selfish demands from their husbands or other sexual partners. Human rights are not a privilege conferred by government. They are every human being's entitlement by virtue of his humanity. The right to life does not depend, and must not be declared to be contingent, on the pleasure of anyone else, not even a parent or a sovereign." (Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta, "Notable and Quotable", Wall Street Journal, 2/25/94 , p. A14 )
The greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion, which is war against the child. The mother does not learn to love, but kills to solve her own problems. Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use any violence to get what they want."
"The way to plan the family is natural family planning, not contraception. Use of contraceptives turns the attention to self and so it destroys the gift of love in him or her. In loving, the husband and wife must turn the attention to each other as happens in natural family planning, and not to self, as happens in contraception. Once that living love is destroyed by contraception, abortion follows easily . . . And abortion, which often follows from contraception, brings a people to be spiritually poor, and that is the worst poverty and the most difficult to overcome."
Any country that accepts abortion is not teaching its people to love, but to use violence to get what they want. That is why the greatest destroyer of love and peace is abortion"
"Many people are concerned with children of India, with the children of Africa where quite a few die of hunger, and so on. Many people are also concerned about the violence in this great country of the United States. These concerns are very good. But often these same people are not concerned with the millions being killed by the deliberate decision of their own mothers. And this is the greatest destroyer of peace today- abortion which brings people to such blindness."
"We must remember that life begins at home and we must also remember that the future of humanity passes through the family"

Meditation of the Week:The Nativity Of The Lord Is Near: Repent From The Depths Of Your Heart,St Maximus of Turin

Even without my needing to speak to you about it, my brethren, the season is enough to tell us that the anniversary of the Nativity of Christ our Lord draws near. Creation itself is expressing the imminence of an event that will restore everything for the better. It, too, looks forward to seeing its darkness illumined by a ray of sun even more bright than usual. This expectancy in creation of a renewal of its annual cycle invites us to wait for the birth of the new sun that is Christ, who lights up the darkness of our sins. The sun of justice (Mal 3,20), which is about to appear in all its strength, will cast out the darkness of our sins, already too long in continuance. He will not allow the course of our life to be stifled by the shadows of existence; he wants to expand it by his power.
So, just as creation sheds its light more widely during this time of solstice, let us also manifest our justice. Just as the light of this day is the common good of both rich and poor, let our gifts be extended to travellers and to the poor without reserve. At this time of the year the world holds back the duration of darkness; so let us, too, withdraw the shadows of our avarice… May all the ice in our hearts melt away; may the seeds of justice grow, warmed by the Saviour's rays.
Therefore, brethren, let us prepare ourselves to welcome the day of the Lord's birth by clothing ourselves in garments of shining whiteness. I am referring to those that clothe the soul, not the body. The garment that clothes our body is only a tunic of no value. But it is the body, that precious object, which clothes the soul. The former is woven by human hands; the latter is the work of the hands of God. This is why we must attend with the greatest care to preserving God's work from any spot… Let us purify our consciences from all their stains before the Nativity of the Lord. Let us come before him, not clothed in silk, but rather in works of merit… Let us begin, then, by decorating our interior sanctuary.

St Maximus of Turin (?-c.420), was bishop of Turin, Italy

Saturday, 17 December 2016

The Phenomenon Of Pentecostalism In Nigeria Today And Its Effect On The Catholic Faithful.. Prof. Michael Ogunu

Conversion of Catholics to Protestantism
One of the most tragic effects of Pentecostalism on the Catholic faithful is its silent conversion of Catholics to become Protestants. Some Catholic Charismatic Communities are indeed Protestants who under the guise of “Catholic Charismatics” are working hard within the Church to turn Catholics away from their Catholic faith.
Writing in the Leader (a Catholic paper) of Sunday, May 4, 1997, Declan Biadue of St. Thomas Parish, Eziedu, Mbaise (Eastern Nigeria) complains as follows:
“I wish to use this medium to bring it to the attention of our spiritual leaders that Protestants have infiltrated into the Catholic Church.
The infiltrators will be found mostly among Catholic Charismatic Renewal (CCR) communities. Visit some of these charismatic communities and you will easily spot the infiltrators. They will never make the sign of the cross; they are anti-clerical; they will prefer their prayer meeting to the Holy Mass; they will never bring their rosaries to prayer meeting. They don't have any. The way they pray is absolutely un-Catholic. There is a world of difference between the way a Catholic prays and the way a Protestant prays. At many CCR prayer meetings you see many so-called Catholics praying like Protestants. They command God; they shout and babble.
Honouring the Blessed Virgin Mary is a remarkable characteristic of Catholics. Catholics compose hymns and prayers in her honour. But in many CCR prayer meetings, you hardly see members giving reverence to Mary. The unfortunate thing is that these infiltrators usually wangle their way into leadership positions. And when they get there, they use their position to turn a charismatic community that should be Catholic into a Protestant community.
I am therefore appealing to the leaders of the holy Catholic Church to please look into this. Let them be careful in assigning chaplains to Charismatic communities. A Charismatic chaplain should be someone who has the courage to go against the current.
My appeal also goes to parish priests since every Charismatic community has roots in some parish. Every parish priest should be an active member of a Charismatic group in his parish so that he can know what is happening and be able to direct members spiritually”.
The inter-denominational, Protestant stance of the Catholic Charismatic renewal movement in Nigeria is further confirmed by Rev. Dr. Taddeo Onoyima in the following statement from his paper titled “The Catholic Charismatic Movement and the Church” delivered at the Institute of Manage­ment and Technology, Enugu, 1984:
It is not surprising to see some of the members, Catholic and non-Catholic of our movement mount opposition against the Catholic Church. It could be because of the basic Protestant doctrinal stance which probably and consistently remain within the movement after its inception in Nigeria.
It is clear from the above that most of the Catholic Charismatic prayer groups in different Parishes and Mass Centres in Nigeria are inter-denominational prayer groups. Little wonder that Catholic teachings are either watered down or totally rejected to make the non-Catholics happy and comfortable.
What to do to stop the Exodus of Catholics to Pentecostal Churches
It seems obvious from the foregoing that Pentecostalism poses real danger to the Catholic faithful in our country who are exposed to the various devices aimed at winning them over to pentecosta­lism. The following measures are recommended to stop the drift:
1. There should be greater involvement of priests in the lives of the faithful. Efforts should be made to reach out to Church members and help fill the void in the various areas of their lives. To this end, counselling centres should be set up in each parish and a sound counselling programme installed to enable priests attend to the spiritual and other needs of parishioners. The Church should show more concern for the needs of its members. To this end, time should be created for counselling and prayers. There are many Catholics who flock to prayer houses and prophets for counselling and prayers. Some of the conditions they are given is that they should change their faith. As part of the concern, there should be visitation teams and the basic Christian Communities should be made more active.
2. The Church should make it mandatory for all parishes to have bible classes for children and adults outside the Scripture reading periods at Mass. Only Catholics of unquestionable orthodoxy should be in charge of such classes. The bible classes should be used as avenues of explaining the Mass and Catholic faith and doctrine. There should be a continuous study of the Catholic doctrines especially during the Mass and other Church celebrations. Emphasis should be placed on those controversial aspects of the doctrine. Also, seminars and workshops on the Catholic faith should be encouraged in Churches. Priests and Church leaders should spend more time in talking about the Word of God, especially at Mass than on other things like money, tithes and seed-sowing. The Sunday-Sunday Word of God which Catholics hear when they attend Mass is grossly inadequate. Bible reading/study should be a mandatory part of all zonal meetings and Church Societies. Church bulletins should carry out not just Bible readings but also explanations of the readings.
3. Effective guidance should be given to Catholic Charismatic Renewal groups. Only those Charismatic groups which are willing to abide by the directives and guidelines laid down by the Conferences of Catholic Bishops for the movement and are seen to be actually obeying the guidelines should be allowed to exist.
4.Bishops should not hesitate to discipline any erring charismatic priest who fails to observe the laid down guidelines however great his financial contribution to the Chancery may be. The salvation of souls should be the utmost consideration. 5. The faithful should be given adequate education on the teachings of the Church. Short-term  (ranging from 3 months to a year) designed to give theological education to the Laity should be set up.
6. Outreach programmes – Rosary Crusades/Carnivals, Seminars, Workshops, and so on aimed at the spiritual enrichment of Catholics should be organised at parish, Deanery and diocesan levels.
7.  There should be greater integration of youths in the life of the Church, especially at the parish level.
8.   Devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary should be intensified. More positive encouragement should be given to the daily recitation of the Rosary, while spiritual and material support should be given to Marian Societies, especially the Legion of Mary. Rosary walks, Rosary Crusades and Carnivals should be regular features in the programme of Parishes and Deaneries.

Prof. Michael Ogunu is the Supreme Chancellor of the Order of  the Knights of St. Mulumba in Nigeria.

Before You Condemn, Think Twice:Homily For The Fourth Sunday Of Advent (year A) By Rev Fr Kenneth Ahanonu

First Reading    : Isaiah 7:10-14
Second Reading    : Romans 1:1-7
Gospel : Mathew 1:18-24
Since I came across this didactic story it has never ceased amazing me. I just want to bring it across to you. I hope you wouldn't mind?
“A king had a male servant who, in all circumstances always said to the king, “Do not be discouraged because everything God does is perfect, he makes no mistakes.”
One day, they went hunting and a wild animal attacked the king, the servant managed to kill the animal but couldn't prevent his majesty from losing a finger. Furious and without showing gratitude, the king said; “If God was good, I would not have been attacked and lost one finger.” The servant replied 'despite all these things, I can only tell you that God is good and everything He does is perfect, He is never wrong.' Outraged by the response, the king ordered the arrest of his servant. While being taken to prison, he told the king again, God is good and perfect. He is never wrong.
     Another day, the king left alone for another hunt and was captured by savages who use human beings for sacrifice. On the altar, the savages found out that the king did not have one finger in place; he was released because he was considered not “complete” to be offered to their god.
On his return to the palace, he ordered the release of his servant and said: “my friend, God was really good to me, I was almost killed but for lack of a single finger, I was let go.” But I have a question, “if God is so good, why did He allow me to put you in prison?” His servant replied; “my king, if I had not been put in prison, I would have gone with you, and would have been sacrificed, because I have no missing finger.”
In today's Gospel reading, Joseph was faced with a challenging situation. He had been engaged to Mary but before they lived together, he found out that she was already pregnant. Being a righteous man and unwilling to expose her to public disgrace, he planned to dismiss her quietly. But just when he had resolved to do this, an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream and said, “Joseph, son of David, do not be afraid to take Mary as your wife, for the child conceived in her is from the Holy Spirit. She will bear a son, and you are to name him Jesus, for He will save his people from their sins” (Mt. 1:20-21).
My interest here is what Joseph did when he discovered that Mary was with a child not of his own seed ever before the revelation by the angel came. The word of God said that Joseph was unwilling to expose Mary to the public disgrace. He decided to dismiss her privately. There is this notion from the law that such a woman should be condemned to death. The law is however clear as stated in Deuteronomy 22:23 - “If there is a young woman, a virgin already engaged to be married, and a man meets her in the town and lies with her, you shall bring both of them to the gate of that town and stone them to death.”
Remember that Joseph did not initially know that Mary's conception was not of any man. What did he do? He showed compassion though he did not want to thwart the justice. In the face of such incidence, we are most often inclined to quick justice without giving room to compassion. This is why a boy, some said seven years old, was murdered in a broad daylight in Lagos in the presence of a crowd because they said he stole garri. Jungle justice always turns out to be a mistake because; there is no compassion in the justice.
To avoid such grave mistakes, we must be careful not to make hasty judgments with quick conclusions. In other words, we must think twice before we condemn. Joseph taught twice and in the process, the Holy Spirit revealed to him the exact nature of things: that Mary was actually pregnant but not by any man. She conceived of the Holy Spirit.
Appearance, they say, is deceptive. Things are not always the way they appear. There may be some hidden circumstances that we do not readily see. If we base our judgment on the outward appearance alone, it lands us into grave and regrettable mistakes. Just imagine what would have happened if Mary had been stoned to death for conceiving the Savior of the world. Salvation for all of us not only Joseph's own would be at stake.
Hasty judgment has a lot of implications and this accounts for greater percentage of problems we have in marriage and family life, work places, schools, market places etc. For instance, a man suspects that his wife is flirting and starts mistreating her without knowing exactly what happens. Guess what! Hot trouble in the family. A leader in an organization perceives that his vice is becoming more popular, what happens? A war is declared. One reads betrayal from the action of a friend and quickly concludes that the friend is not trustworthy. Guess the outcome. The list is quite endless. Such story is always chaotic.
Here are some of the causes of hasty and rash judgments:
1.    When stressed up, one may be prone to rash judgments because one does not see reality as truly as it is.
2.    Being tensed up and hot temperedness, diminish reasoning because one is already high. Actions taken in such moments tantamount to rash judgment.
3.    Repeated incidence is another cause. If it is proven for instance that one normally steals, such a person may be held to ransom when a theft is reported around his area.
4.    Deceptive appearance: we should always bear in mind that appearance is deceptive. Circumstances may bring someone into the spot of a crime he knows nothing about.
What are the ways out? To avoid hasty and rash judgment, it is necessary we take the following steps:
1.    Give it time: Take some time to think about it. When possible, make some consultations.
2.    Ask questions: Try to hear from the accusers and most importantly from the accused.
3.    Take the matter bit by bit: By so doing, the truth or something near to the truth will start unveiling.
4.    Place yourself in their shoes: Assume yourself to have fallen the victim. It will help you to judge with compassion.
5.    Find if the crime is excusable: When you have exhausted all the excusable avenues and it still becomes clear that the crime is committed, the full justice must take place inevitably.

The way Jesus handled the issue of the woman caught in adultery (cf John 8:1-11) remains a classical example of justice and compassion in judgment. This is also seen in Joseph's decision in handling his family problem as seen in today's Gospel reading. Always bear in mind that in whatever circumstance you find yourself that God does not make a mistake as we heard in the story of the king and his slave. As we await the Messiah, always remember the lesson of this last Sunday of advent that before you condemn, think twice.


Be Like Mary – Say Yes To God, But Not Halfway, Pope Francis Says

When Mary says “I am the handmaid of the Lord” in response to the news that she will become the Mother of God, she doesn't say: “this time I will do the will of God, I am available, then I'll see,” the Pope said Dec. 8, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception.
“Hers is a full yes, without conditions,” he said, noting that at times, instead of imitating this attitude, “we are experts in the 'half-yes:' we are good at pretending not to understand what God wants and consciousness suggests.”
We can also be “cunning” and avoid saying “a true and firm 'no' to God” by making excuses, such as “I can't,” or “'not today, but tomorrow...tomorrow I will be better, tomorrow I will pray, I will do good, tomorrow.”
However, by doing this “we close the door to good and evil profits from these missing 'yeses,'” Francis said, noting that each one of us has “a collection” of these missing yeses inside.
Each full and unreserved “yes” we say to God is the beginning of a new story, he said. Saying yes to God “is truly original, not sin, which makes us old inside.”
“Have you thought about this? That sin makes you age inside? It makes you age right away!” he said, adding that “every yes to God begins a story of salvation for us and for others.”
Pope Francis spoke to pilgrims gathered in St. Peter's Square for his Angelus address marking the feast in which the Church celebrates the Immaculate Conception of Mary, honoring the Catholic dogma that she was conceived without sin.
In his Angelus address, the Pope said the day's readings from Genesis and the Gospel of Luke point to two “critical passages” in salvation history which point to “the origins of good and evil.”
Man's “no” to God at the very beginning is recounted in the passage from the Book of Genesis, which shows how “man preferred to look at himself rather than his Creator, he wanted to do his own thing, he chose to suffice with himself.”
By doing this, man left his communion with God behind, “lost himself and began to fear, to hide himself and to accuse those around him,” the Pope observed, explaining that once someone begins to accuse others like this, it means “you are distancing yourself from God” and “this makes sin.”
However, instead of leaving man at the mercy of the evil done, he steps in and immediately looks for him, asking “where are you?”
This question, Francis said, is “the question of a father or mother who looks for their lost child...and this God does it with so much patience, up to the point of bridging the gap that has arisen at the beginning.”
Pointing to the day's Gospel reading from Luke, which recounted the story of the Annunciation, the Pope said that Mary's “great yes” is what made it possible for God to come and live among us.
“Thanks to this 'yes,' Jesus began his journey on the path of humanity; he started it in Mary, spending the first months of life in the womb of his mother.”
Jesus didn't come as an adult, already strong and full grown, but decided to follow the exact same path of the human being, doing everything in exactly the same way “except for one thing: sin.”
Because of this, “he chose Mary, the only creature without sin, immaculate,” he said, noting that when the angel refers to Mary with the title “Full of Grace,” it means that from the beginning there was “no space for sin” inside of her.
“Also we, when we turn to her, we recognize this beauty: we invoke her as 'full of grace,' without the shadow of evil.”
While the “no” of man at the beginning closed the passage from man to God, Mary's “yes” opened the path for God to be among us, Pope Francis said, explaining that Mary's response “is “the most important 'yes' in history.”
“It's the faithful 'yes' that heals disobedience, the available 'yes' that flips the selfishness of sin,” he said, encouraging attendees to use Advent as an opportunity to renew their own “yeses” to God, telling him “I believe in you, I hope in you, I love you; accomplish in me your good will.”
“With generosity and confidence, like Mary, let us say today, each one of us, this personal yes to God,” he said, and led pilgrims in praying the traditional Marian prayer.

$30bn Loan: FG Turns To IMF, World Bank

The Federal Government has said it was looking the way of the International Monetary Fund, (IMF), and the World Bank for some of its external borrowings to bail the nation's economy out of recession.
This came as the Debt Management Office, (DMO) said, it had raised the N1.18 trillion, which is the domestic component of the 2016 budgeted borrowing.
 According to the government, both institutions have some “concessionary terms” attached to borrowing packages.
 A statement signed by Media Adviser to the Minister of Budget and National Planning, James Akpandem, quoted the Minister, Senator Udo Udoma, as stating this at a meeting with the Assistant Secretary for Multilateral Affairs of the Trade and Policy Department at the French Treasury, Mr Guillaume Chabert, in Abuja.
Udoma re-emphasised that Nigeria's borrowings were solely to fund infrastructure projects, adding that “the stimulative effect of investing in infrastructure was enormous and was the surest way of setting the country on the path of growth and sustainable development.”
 The minister told the Assistant Secretary, who was accompanied by the French Ambassador to Nigeria, Mr Denys Gauer, that the Federal Government was working on a National Economic Recovery and Growth Plan, which was tailored to move the country's economy out of recession and set it on a growth path.
“Our plan is that we should be able, within that plan period (2017– 2020), to achieve not less than 7% growth. For one to get out of economic recession, we will need to harness resources by plugging revenue leakages and by looking at new revenue sources in order to generate the resources required to spend our way out of recession, particularly focused on infrastructure,” he added.
The minister explained that while government was exploring other means of generating revenue internally, “we will need to borrow, part of which has to be sourced internationally from sources that can give concessionary terms, like the International Monetary Fund, IMF, and World Bank.
“We know we need to look at upgrading our oil revenue in order to generate the resources to spend our way out of dependence on oil; which means we have to focus our attention on reducing the disruptions in the Niger Delta, so that we can get our production back to a minimum of 2.2 million barrels per day. That is the fastest way to generate resources.”
He pointed out that government alone could not do it, saying that was the reason government emphasised on creation of an enabling environment for effective private sector participation in growing the economy. He said the government was also going into partnership with the private sector in critical areas of infrastructural provision and concessioning. He said:  “Our intention is to make the private sector to lead the way in social housing.
 “We will kick-start the process and intend to make some provision for it in the 2017 Budget. Then we are also looking at manufacturing. One of the ways is by developing export processing zones where we will have all the required infrastructure including power, rail and security, to encourage manufacturers to relocate to Nigeria. We want to make sure that the growth will be an inclusive one.
“ In the past, we used to have growth that was not inclusive. We were growing but poverty was increasing. We want to make sure that the growth is inclusive. One of the ways is to give preference to labour-intensive activities to create jobs, which is the fastest way to reduce poverty. In addition to that, we will continue with our social intervention projects.”
The Assistant Secretary, Mr Chabert, while appreciating the economic challenges the country was currently facing, said the French government would be willing to support Nigeria surmount the challenges. “It is in our interest that Nigeria succeeds,'' Chabert said, promising to make some input into the country's economic plan once the framework was made available.
Meanwhile, the Debt Management Office (DMO) has raised the N1.18 trillion which is the domestic component of the 2016 budgeted borrowing. Director-General of the DMO,   Dr Abraham Nwankwo, disclosed this while receiving some senators on oversight visit to his office in Abuja on Thursday. He said that the balance of N635 billion in the 2016 borrowing plan would   come from the African Development Bank, AfDB, which had pledged $1 billion out of which $600 million had been released, as well as other sources.
 Nwankwo admitted that in spite of the effort of the   federal government to secure the rest, it was having challenges in that regard. He said government “can fall back on domestic borrowing”, adding that the “DMO is working to see that the $1 billion Eurobond is mobilised by second quarter of 2017.” The federal government, he said, had been servicing   its debt as at when due and that it had paid N1. 09 trillion of the debt service obligation for the year.

Obama Makes Farewell Calls To World Leaders

Outgoing United States (US) President, Barack Obama, has commenced farewell phone calls to world leaders who are U.S. allies during his eight-year presidency.
The White House said on Wednesday, in New York, that Obama made farewell telephone calls to President François Hollande of France and Prime Minister John Key of New Zealand.
In readout of Obama's call to Hollande, the White House said that the U.S. leader thanked his French counterpart for his support to him during his presidency.
 “President Obama spoke today by phone with President Francois Hollande of France, to offer his appreciation for their close partnership since President Hollande took office in 2012.
“President Obama thanked President Hollande for his leadership and expressed his appreciation for France's steady contributions to the strength and unity of the trans-Atlantic alliance.” Similarly, the readout of Obama's call to the New Zealand leader said the U.S. president thanked him for their close friendship and partnership during his two-term presidency.
 “President Obama spoke by phone with Prime Minister John Key of New Zealand, to thank him for the close friendship and partnership the two leaders have enjoyed over the last eight years. “During that time, U.S.-New Zealand cooperation reached unprecedented level.
“The President underscored that New Zealand would remain one of the United States' closest partners as we continue to work together on a wide array of issues. These include contributing to global peace and security, encouraging sustainable and inclusive economic growth, and addressing climate change and conservation challenges.”
The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Obama, a Democrat, was inaugurated as the 44th U.S. President on Jan. 20, 2009, the first Black man to be elected president in the history of U.S. NAN also reports that Obama's tenure will end on Jan. 20, 2017 when Republican President-elect Donald Trump is expected to be inaugurated as the 45th U.S. President.

Archbishop Valerian Okeke Marks Day With Students

At the Centenary Field of the Basilica of the Most Holy Trinity Cathedral, Onitsha, on Saturday, December 3, 2016, His Grace, Most Rev. Valerian Maduka Okeke, the Catholic Archbishop and Metropolitan of Onitsha Ecclesiastical Province, rallied schools under the Archdiocese of Onitsha for a get-together.
    The ceremony tagged, 'Archbishop Valerian Okeke Day with Students', attracted all mission schools within the Onitsha Archdiocese, as well as education secretaries, managers, principals and teachers from different schools.
    The event started with a Eucharistic celebration presided over by the Archbishop himself and concelebrated by many priests.
    In his homily during the Holy Mass, the prelate said that the event was the first of its kind in the archdiocese and that it would be an annual ceremony, henceforth.
    The objective of the new initiative, according to the archbishop, is to inspire healthy competition among the young ones, build them up to work hard and also to reward those that excel in hard work and good values.
    “This newly introduced ceremony, is meant to inspire healthy competition among students and build them up in the virture of hard work. This kind of initiative will expose the students to different healthy competitions that will make them better and more inspired citizens.
    “I will urge all the students and pupils to make the best use of opportunities being offered to them. With this new development, very soon, people will come from different states and different parts of the world to emulate and learn the secrets behind the great transformation going on in our schools. I want you to be the best in your academic endeavours,” he said.
    He commended teachers and managers of schools in Onitsha Archdiocese, saying  that their efforts and sacrifices had continued to bring out the best in the students.
     The event featured march pasts among secondary schools, cultural displays and musical renditions, among other activities.
    In the march past, Christ the King College (CKC), Onitsha, came first; St. Anthony of Padua Secondary School, Nkpor, came 2nd, while the Queen of Rosary College (QRC), Onitsha, took the 3rd position.
    Students that excelled in the Archbishop's Science Competition held among secondary schools under the Archdiocese, were also rewarded with cash prizes, gifts and certificates.
    Ezeani Oluebube, student of Dominican Girls' Secondary School, Abatete, Idemili North LGA of Anambra State, came first in the junior category of the science competition; while Abodike Chimdindu Rejoice, a student of Maria Foundation Secondary School, Oraukwu, Idemili North LGA of Anambra State, came first at the senior secondary category.
Each of the two went home with cash prize of N50,000, together with brandbrand new laptop and certificate. Their science teachers got N40,000 each, while their schools got a brand new white board. Other participating schools and students also got consolation prizes.
    In an interview with our reporter, the first prize winner in the senior category of the science competition, Abodike Rejoice, said that persistency in studying her books helped her to excel. She commended Archbishop Valerian Okeke for the initiative and further urged government at all levels to cooperate with him, so that the Archbishop would achieve his set goal.

St Peter Clavers Nnewich Nnewi Celebrates Her Elders

The clergy and the faithful of St. Peter Clavers Catholic Church, ,  Nnewi on Sunday,  December 11, rolled out the drums to celebrate their elders who have attained the ages of 80 years and above.
The octogenarians who were 44 in number; comprising 30 women and 14 men, were all radiating with smiles and happiness in the occasion which was started with a Mass officatiated by Rev Fr Johnpaul Okonkwo and concelebrated by the parish priest of the parish Rev Fr. Edmund Nwagbala and Rev Fr Peter Onwuka.
        Also the parishioners used the occasion to send off  Fr. Okonkwo who was with them for two years before, he was posted to St. Michael Catholic Church Eziora Ozubulu.
In his homily, Fr. Onwuka, noted that the Church was in the third Sunday in  Advent which was a special time for all to prepare for the coming of our Saviour Jesus Christ in the same way that celebrating the elders of the parish that day would be a fitting prelude to the celebration of the birth of Christ in a few weeks ahead and congratulated the elders on the event.
He further noted that the reading of the day were all referring to the coming of the birth of Christ adding that his coming was for all especially the poor in our midst.
  Fr. Onwuka urged all to endure whatever they are undergoing now knowing that Christ was coming to take care of all our problems, this he said was the reason which explains why God told us to be happy because Jesus Christ was coming.
The homilist noted that as we were about to celebrate the birth of our saviour , that our encounter with him would make us special as no one encounters Christ and remains the same again and called on all to be happy on the great event of the celebration of the birth of Christ.
  He also reminded all that God fulfils His promises to all and as such, we should be rest assured that He would meet up with all His promises in our lives saying that even if He did not do that here on earth that He would fulfill it in the next world as He never failed in any promise He made to His people.
  In his prayer at the reception for the elders the parish priest, Fr. Nwagbala thanked God for the longevity He gave to the celebrants noting that they were grateful for their lives and prayed that He would grant them more good health and more blessings.
  The chairman of the planning , Sir Pius Onwuka in an interview said that the parish decided to celebrate them because of the regard they have for them noting that it was note easy for one to attain such an age in this hard time in the country. He congratulated them and wished them more good health.
The occasion was chaired by Chief Christopher Osuojukwu, Chairman Agboedo Market Traders Association who commended the parish for celebrating their elders and congratulated the celebrants.
One of the highlights of the occasion was the cutting of the cake by some of the octogenarians who were present and the giving of gift items to all of the 44 celebrants or their representatives.

Walk In The Light Of God -Fr Ibegbunam Urges As Cathcom Staff Marks day of prayer at Ozubulu Monastery

Saturday, December 10, 2016 was a memorable day for the staff of Catholic Communications, Nnewi, as they marked a day of prayer at Queen of Peace, Benedictine Monastery, Ozubulu.
The event kicked off with recitation of the Rosary after which there was reflection by Rev Fr Anthony Ibegbunam. In his teaching titled, “Are you in the light or in the darkness'', Fr. Ibegbunam urged the Cathcom staff to allow themselves to be influenced by God, bearing in mind that any moment of their lives either glorifies God or Satan. He advised the participants to sincerely examine themselves always so as to ascertain if they are living in the  light of God or in  darkness. He encouraged all to live and walk In the light of God, and ask themselves always, 'Who am I before God?
Making references to the life and times of St. Catherine of Bologna (1413-1463), an Italian nun who died at the age of 49 and is one of the saints called the incorruptibles because her body has not decayed after over 500 years of her death, he admonished the audience to make use of the seven spiritual weapons of the saint in the fight against evil. According to Fr. Ibegbunam, who is a hagiographer, “In her autobiographical and didactic treatise, Treatise on the Seven Spiritual Weapons Necessary for Spiritual Warfare, Catherine identifies seven weapons in the fight against evil, against the devil. She said, “Whoever wishes to carry the cross for His sake must take up the proper weapons for the contest, especially those mentioned here: (1) to be careful always to do good; (2) to believe that we can never achieve anything truly good by ourselves; (3) to trust in God and, for His love, never to fear the battle against evil, either in the world or in ourselves; (4) to meditate frequently on the events and words of Jesus' life, especially His passion and death; (5) to remember that we must die; (6) to keep the benefits of heaven firmly in our minds, (7) to be familiar with Holy Scripture, keeping it in our hearts to guide all our thoughts and actions.” This programme of spiritual life is relevant today for each one of us, he said.
The occasion also featured Eucharistic Adoration, Confession and Eucharistic celebration.
In his homily during the Eucharistic celebration presided over by Fr. Ibegbunam, Fr. Johnpaul Offordum  stressed   on the need  show love to one another and  to leave a positive impression of ourselves to anyone we encounter in our journey of life, for the person you meet today can help you tomorrow.
Advising the congregation to trust in God at the moments of trail, Fr. Ofordum warned the participants to be cautious of prosperity gospel preachers noting that there a many false prophets today moving about and deceiving people. He encouraged the people to do the will of God always. The day of prayer concluded with the Mass and refreshment.

Beheaded Enugu Woman: Police On Trail Of Perpetrators

The Nigeria Police, Enugu State Command, Thursday, confirmed the beheading of an unidentified woman, at Abakpa Nike Area of the State.
It was reported that residents of the Coal City state were overwhelmed with grief in the early hours of Wednesday, following discovery of the headless body of a middle-aged woman in the area.
Policemen from the Abakpa Police Division later arrived the scene of the incident and took the body away, and the shocking discovery had dominated public discourse in the state, with many speculating that it was a ritual murder.
“Christmas is around the corner; so this kind of heartless things was usually carried out by some greedy and wicked persons who want to make money at all costs.
“They want to be at the village and flaunt stupendous wealth, which they have made with human blood,” a resident quipped at the scene of the incident.
Meanwhile, when contacted, the Police spokesman in Enugu State, SP Ebere Amaraizu, told the press that the police had commenced investigation to ascertain the identity of the victim.
 “What the command is doing right now is to ascertain the identity of the victim. You know, nobody made a report to the command over the incident; we have also not received report of any missing person. So, we have to establish the identity of the victim.
“Secondly, we have also launched investigation to ascertain the actual place the dastardly act was carried out. Our suspicion is that they killed her somewhere and brought the corpse to the place it was dumped. This is because there is no trace of fresh blood there.
“I can assure you that the police shall indeed get to the root of this matter and bring the perpetrators to justice,” Amaraizu stated.

Operation Python Dance Not Against Pro-Biafra Agitators – Obiano

Governor Willie Obiano of Anambra State has said that neither him nor the state government has any issue against pro-Biafra agitators.
The governor, who spoke through the Commissioner for Information and Strategy, Ogbuefi Tony Nnacheta, denied the allegation by the Indigenous People of Biafra (IPOB) that he instigated the military exercise code-named  'Exercise Python Dance' to diminish the struggle of pro-Biafra agitators.
IPOB had, in a statement issued by its spokesperson, Emma Powerful, at the launch of the Army exercise said: “We are going to hold the South East governors responsible, if anything happens to anybody in the zone because the Federal Government and the Nigerian Army cannot afford to deploy its weapons in all parts of the South East without the consent of state governors.
“The governors of Anambra, Imo and Abia are now together with their counterparts in Enugu and Ebonyi states to kill their kith and kin.”
But Obiano insisted that Anambra State had no agenda against IPOB, MASSOB or anybody else.
Nnacheta, who addressed newsmen, said: “The on-going Exercise Python Dance by the Nigerian Army in the  South-East has been misinterpreted  by some  persons as an exercise designed to inconvenience the Igbo and in particular, Ndi-Anambra.
“It is mischievously propagated in some quarters as a terrible Christmas gift to our people. Governor Obiano's statement on the exercise has been distorted by malicious persons in the social media.
“The government and people of Anambra State are appalled at these nefarious efforts and condemn them emphatically. It is incorrect for some persons to suggest that Anambra State is at war or loggerheads with any sect, persons or organisations on account of the ongoing military training exercise.
He assured that the state government would at all times ensure that the rights and comfort of the people were respected by all and sundry.
According to the commissioner, “Anambra State is today the safest state in not just Nigeria but West Africa. This is a long leap since the assumption of office of Governor Obiano 33 months ago.
“Before this era, kidnappers and other extremely violent criminals were almost overrunning the state, forcing businesses and families to relocate from our state and move to places like Lagos and Abuja.
“Our people also began to perform odd things, like conducting traditional marriage rites in such places. It is sadly true that some traditional rulers in our state kidnapped during the dark days are yet to be found. We cannot, therefore, forget in a hurry our recent past.
“The task of restoring peace and order in our state and ensuring that Anambra State does not become what some people may call a failed state, marked by lawlessness, was a cardinal and early task of the Willie Obiano administration.
“The state government worked closely with security agencies to achieve the sustained success in Anambra.
“Cooperation has been the key to the security of lives and property in our state. Members of these organisations discharge their duties professionally.
“Exercise Python Dance is a routine military exercise by the Nigerian Army in the South-East of Nigeria, not only Anambra State. Similar exercises have taken place in other geographical zones of the country without incidents or controversy; Niger Delta and North-West being the most recent weeks ago.
Moreover, Nnacheta said it was incorrect for some persons to suggest that Anambra State is at war or at loggerheads with any sect, persons or organisations on account of the ongoing military training exercise.
“Rather, the officers and men of the Nigerian Army are enjoined to discharge their duties with courtesy, thereby earning the respect of our people in the entire South- East. We are informed that an elaborate Civil-Military Cooperation (CIMIC) Line of Operation has been planned during the exercise, such as medical outreach, repairs of roads, schools and other infrastructure across the South-East Region.
“The Anambra State Government will at all times ensure that the rights and comfort of our people which are non-negotiable, are respected by all and sundry. The government and Ndi Anambra shall together continue to assure that our state remains the safest part of Nigeria and West Africa and eager to welcome our kith and kin to a redoubtable holiday season.

LETTER TO THE PEOPLE OF GOD:Turn To Christ In The Face Of The Challenges To Faith

We have seen that faith is the essential ingredient in our lives as Christians.  Without faith we cannot please God (see Hebrew 11:6).  That is why we must always turn to Jesus Christ, the author of our faith and the person who will bring our faith to its completion and fulfilment (see Hebrews 12:2).  We have to turn to Jesus Christ due to the many challenges to our faith in the present age which can still be described as “wicked age” (see Ephesians 5:16). 
If we are to be careful about the sort of lives we lead, like intelligent and not like senseless people, we need to strengthen our faith.  The challenges include gross and rank immorality which sees life with the spirit of self-indulgence. No wonder the evil and corruption that are reigning in our society.  We need to have increase of faith so as not to do like Esau who sold his birthright for a plate of food (see Hebrews 12:16-17). We must turn to Christ in the face of widespread neo-paganism, the tendency of baptised person who claimed to have rejected Satan and all his works and pomp going back to idol worshipping and superstitious activities, sometimes in the name of culture. 
Indeed, we must turn to Jesus Christ to lead us through the myriad of prophets, teachers, pastors, men and women of God who parade themselves, often with mighty signs and wonders to deceive even the elect (see Matthew 24:24). Finally, we must turn to Jesus Christ to save us from “spiritual worldliness” which leads to religiosity bereft of God (see Pope Francis, Apostolic Exhortation, Evangelii Gaudium, no. 93-95).
Cooperate with Christ for increase of Faith
While we turn to Jesus Christ for the gift of faith, we must be ready to do our own part to hold on to our faith and to increase our faith.  Our responsibility is to increase our faith by learning about our faith.  We have to learn about our faith by opening our eyes and mind to the word of God, the word of God in Sacred Scriptures and in the Sacred Tradition. 
We are called to study the Bible, which is one of the major sources of our knowledge of our faith.  St. Paul urges us to “keep to what you have been taught and how to be true; remember who your teachers were; and how, ever since you were a child, you have known the holy scriptures – from these you can learn the wisdom that leads to salvation through faith in Christ Jesus” (2 Timothy 3:14-15).  The holy scriptures are the source of the wisdom from God before which the wisdom of the world becomes folly.  Indeed, the teachers, the apostles lead us to the complete truth.
Emphasis on Bible Study for increase of Faith
The reading and study of the Bible is paramount and fundamental to our faith.  We are invited to study the Scripture because all “scripture is inspired by God and useful for refuting error, for guiding people's lives and teaching them to be upright.  This is how someone who is dedicated to God becomes fully equipped and ready for any good work” (2 Timothy 3:16-17).  We must do all possible to study the scriptures in order to be filled with divine wisdom and not with the wisdom of the world. 
Priests should undertake Bible study so as to be better equipped to teach the people the Bible.  Bible study classes should complement the reading of the Bible and the homily which is based on the Bible.  Fellow Catholics, we love the Bible; we read the Bible.  Let us study the Bible so as to be enriched with the word of God. 
Sacred Tradition is also the Word of God – Verbum Domini
While emphasising the centrality and importance of the Holy Scriptures in the lives of Christians, we must be aware that the Bible is not the only source of the word of God.  We must also turn to the teaching of the apostles (see Acts 2:42).  We must remain faithful to the teaching of the apostles whether written or by word of mouth.  St. Paul rightly admonished the Christians in Thessalonica: “Stand firm, then, brothers, and keep the traditions that we taught you, whether by word of mouth or by letter” (2 Thessalonians 2:15). 
The Sacred Tradition is the teaching from the apostles and we are bound to accept that as God's word.  Jesus Christ had mandated the apostles to go and teach all nations.  He did not hand the Bible over to them to hand on to all nations.  He taught them and they in turn carried on the message of eternal life.  This message is available in the Holy Scriptures and in the teaching that comes down to us from the apostles whether written or not.
Listen to the Magisterium and grow in Faith
The Church empowered by Christ continues to teach the message of Christ with the power given to her by Christ.  The power of the Church to teach is called the magisterium, which can be solemn or extraordinary as well as ordinary.  We must accept with faith and respect the teaching of the Church using the power given to her by Jesus Christ who gave Peter the keys of the kingdom of Heaven with these words, “whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven” (Matthew 16:19). 
We have to listen to the Church for the abiding word of God.  The Church teaches in writing and in preaching.  We must listen to the preaching of the Church.  We must accept the catechetical instructions of the Church in order to grow in the faith.  How can we grow in faith if we do not listen to the preachers and teachers of the Church (see Romans 10:14-15). The teaching of the Church through homilies, catechetical instructions and in our area, Sunday Evening Instructions is necessary to grow in faith.
With Catechesis, we grow in Faith
Let us be more committed to these means of increasing our knowledge of God and of his will for us.  Priests, catechists and other teachers of faith are enjoined to “proclaim the message and welcome or unwelcome, insist on it.  Refute falsehood, correct error, give encouragement – do all with patience and with care to instruct” (2 Timothy 4:1-2). You are to devote your time, talents and treasure to proclaim the message of eternal life and to instruct people in the way of truth and life. 
Catechetical instruction for the young and old, for those preparing to receive sacraments and those who have received the major sacraments must engage priests, catechists and others.  Similarly, moral religious instructions in primary and secondary schools must occupy the attention and time of priests, teachers and catechists.  Catholics are urged to take their catechetical formation more seriously in order to increase their faith.
Take heed that False Teachers and Prophets do not lead you astray 
We must be careful.  There are many false teachers and prophets.  Many of them teach what they do not understand (see 1 Timothy 1:7). Many teach what they should not teach for the sole purpose of sordid gain (see Titus 1:11).  Some are only interested in making personal gains (see 1 Timothy 6:4).  The number of teachers is increasing daily.  Their powerful sound systems, television advertisements and other technological means of spreading information are invading the atmosphere and capturing the attention of people. 
But the Lord continues to warn the faithful to be careful.  We must resist their misleading teachings and attractive ways of leading people astray, either with interesting words or with attractive powerful signs and wonders.  St. Paul tells us that “the time is sure to come when people will not accept sound teaching, but their ears will be itching for anything new and they will collect themselves a whole series of teachers according to their own tastes; and then they will shut their ears to the truth and turn to myths” (2 Timothy 4:3-4). 
My sisters and brothers, the time has come and we are suffused with the false teachings by self-centred and avaricious people who claim to be men or women of God (see 2 Timothy 3:1-5).  The advice of St. Paul is apposite and timely: “You must keep to what you have been taught and know to be true; remember who your teachers were...” (2 Timothy 3:14).  Do not allow yourselves to be led astray by anybody! St. Paul tells us: “Make sure that no one captivates you with the empty lure of a 'philosophy' of the kind that human beings hand on, based on the principles of this world and not on Christ” (Colossians 2:8). 
And I would add, do not be led astray by those who shout 'Lord, Lord' and claim to speak in and perform miracles in the name of Jesus Christ but are false prophets and false Christ even with their extraordinary signs and wonders (see Matthew 7:15, 21-23; 24:24-25)! Remain faithful to the Catholic faith in all its richness!
Spread the Good News to increase your Faith
My dear brothers and sisters, I urge you to receive the word of God and transmit to others in order to increase your faith and the faith of others.  Be like Andrew, one of the early disciples of Christ.  After encountering Jesus Christ went to his brother Simon Peter and said to him: “We have found the Messiah – which means the Christ and he took his brother Simon to Jesus Christ. 
In doing that he transmitted the faith to his brother whom Jesus Christ named Cephas, which means Rock (see John 1:40-42). Andrew's faith was strengthened by his bringing his brother to Jesus!  Similarly, we are called to act like the Samaritan woman who encountered Jesus Christ, the Word of God and went off to invite her fellow Samaritans to come and see the person who told her the truth about herself (see John 4:1-42).  Let us all be Spirit-filled evangelizers, spreading the word of God which we receive in every place and time. 
Indeed, we can imitate St. Paul in proclaiming Christ, in admonishing and instructing everyone in all wisdom, to make everyone perfect in Christ (see Colossians 1:28).
Utilizing the Social Media for Evangelization
Communication has greatly improved. Modern means of communication offer us the opportunity and means to spread not only news but also good news to our friends and contacts.  Electronic media opens the whole world to our communication.  Indeed, we can reach every part of the world and every segment of humanity connected to those media, especially the social media. The various forms of social media provide believers of the opportunities to give and receive the good news of salvation. His Holiness, Pope Francis is leading the way.
He can be reached in Twitter and other social media.  Write about Christ and circulate to your friends and contacts and the word of life will spread more and more to the ends of the earth.  Do not be afraid or ashamed to present the correct and authentic Christian moral principles and norms to a world that is being dominated by false and distorted morality and ways of life.  Be the salt of the earth and the life of the world as you spread the light of faith and good moral life.
Living the Faith to increase our Faith
Finally, we can increase our faith by living the faith.  St. Paul gives us the advice: “So then, as you received Jesus as Lord and Christ, now live your lives in him, be rooted in him and built up on him, held firm by the faith you have been taught, and overflowing with thanksgiving” (Colossians 2:6-7). Practise your faith! Practice makes perfect.  Faith without works is dead (see James 2:17, 26).
We must put our faith into practice so that our faith will become firmer and more stable.  I have tried in my Pastoral Letters to teach and instruct on how to live the faith.  In my 14 years as the Bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Nnewi, I have tried to bring down the faith into every situation and circumstance in our diocese.  In our Diocesan Newspaper, I write in every publication “LETTER TO THE PEOPLE OF GOD” on page 6 of the THE CHRISTIAN OUTLOOK. Please read and study the pieces of information, instruction and applications of faith to your daily life and circumstances. 
My annual pastoral letters carry the faith into every area of life – social, political, economic, family, culture and so on.  Study the pastoral letters to see how to live your faith! 
Synods of Faith
The Catholic Diocese of Nnewi has celebrated two diocesan synods as Synods of Faith. In our two diocesan synods we have also tried to put our faith into practice.  In the First Diocesan Synod from 3rd to 10th April 2005, we reflected on “Living the Faith in the Family of God in the Catholic Diocese of Nnewi 'so that Christ may live in your hearts through faith' (Ephesians 3:17).  We reflected on how we were to live our faith in evangelisation, in proclamation, inculturation, Justice, Peace, and Social Communication. 
After reflecting on the propositiones (proposals)  from the synod delegates, I issued the Post Synodal Exhortation Message of Eternal Life in which I gave practical ways of living the faith. In our Second Diocesan Synod from 7th to 14th November 2015, the diocese reflected on “Living the Faith in Justice, Peace and Reconciliation in the Catholic Diocese of Nnewi 'You are the salt of the earth ... You are the light of the world' '(Matthew 5:13, 14).  The synod delegates in their Nuntius (Message) after the synod called on all Christians and men and women of goodwill to embrace justice and reconciliation as the solid and authentic road to peace.
I am still to reflect on the propositiones (proposals) of the synod delegates.  I am certain that we cannot live the faith without giving up injustice, bitterness, conflicts and disagreement and working seriously for peace through truth, justice and reconciliation.

Authenticate National ID For 2019 Elections –FG

The Federal Government has  charged the National Identity Management Commission (NIMC) to ensure that the National Identification Number is used to authenticate eligible voters in the nearest future.
Vice President, Prof Yemi Osinbajo, gave the charge at the Policy Roundtable Meeting on Identity Management, organised by NIMC in collaboration with the World Bank at the State House Conference Center, Presidential Villa, Abuja.
This was even as NIMC Director General, Aliyu Aziz, disclosed that if the commission gets the N5 billion needed to harmonise data from collecting agencies, including the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC), Nigerian Communications Commission (NCC), Bank Verification Number (BVN) as well as Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS), it would meet the President's directives in 24 months.
 But, Comptroller General of the Nigeria Immigration Service (NIS), Mohammed Babandede, has described as punishment, the multiple identification process, in the country but added that without budget to do harmonisation of data, several workshops being organised would be in vain.
Nigeria has multiple identity management system with commercial banks issuing the Bank Verification Number (BVN), SIM card registration by NCC, Voters registration by INEC, school registration done at various Local Government Areas (LGAs), birth registration by National Population Commission (NPC), International Passport by Nigeria Immigration Service and Drivers License jointly issued by the Vehicles Inspection Officers (VIO) and Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC).
According to Osinbajo, who was represented by the Deputy Chief of Staff (DCOS) to the President, Ade Ipaye, government could no longer maintain the cost duplications of biometrics collection  in the face of scare resources.
“The fiscal cost of implementing disparate and unconnected biometrics linked data bases is increasingly becoming a huge burden and needs to be streamlined going forward, as government cannot continue to fund the unnecessary duplication of efforts and overlapping identity functions that further deplete its scarce resources.
“Clearly, there are potentially large benefits from integration of the ID programmes of our government institutions. And we must take this advantage to get it right once and for all.
“As we endeavour to resolve the identity management system challenges, we will also ensure that other forms of identification such as driver's license, international passports and so on are aligned and in sinc.
“The President has already taken the initiative in recognising the importance of identity and a harmonized system. That is why there was a directive from my office in December of 2015, for all stakeholders to have built independent identity management systems.
“Stakeholders could have built independent identity management system to consolidate, aggregate and  integrate their data bases as a way to accelerate and scale up the national identity system so as to offer every Nigerian a unique identifier.
“I am aware that a lot of work has been done in this regard by all the stakeholders ‎represented here. However, it is His Excellency, the President's charge that the national identification number is used to authenticate eligible voters in the nearest future as well as in the areas of access to health, insurance, registration of SIM cards, access to the social welfare programmes of this administration and for all financial transactions.
“The development of identity programmes in Nigeria will greatly help the nation leverage on its potentials to improve security of lives and properties, advance service delivery and fight poverty and corruption. Achieving full-scale national identity management will therefore, boost our efforts at better tracking the movement of people while minimizing issues with external border controls and terrorism,” Osinbajo said.
The Country Director Nigeria, of World Bank,  Rachid Benmessaoud, represented by Indira Konjhodzic, said the collaboration was ‎ in recognition of the importance of identity management as one of the platforms for development.
According to him, ‎about 1.5 billion people (most of whom were internally displaced, refugees, entrepreneurs, etc) worldwide were with no formal proof of identity at the moment,  and this, he said, was a challenge for them to get loan or participate in democratic and political development.
While describing Nigeria as a power house in Africa, whose action would attract the interest of her neighbours and countries on continent, ‎Benmessaoud said the ID management would help the social safety net system of government and ‎enable them reach the poor and the marginalised.
He added that identity management would also bridge the gap of close to 50 per cent Nigerians that are not banked.
Minister of Communications, Adebayo Shittu, on his part, regretted that Nigeria had not gone too far with regards to population, exposure and level of civilization.
The Minister, who said one year after, he was yet to collect his national ID, urged NIMC to set a timeline to harmonise identity management in the country, and must be in the vanguard of pushing for legislation for ID management in the country.
He also said the government must enforce compliance by citizens by tying participation in certain social benefits to getting the national ID.
Federal Inland Revenue Service,(FIRS) Chairman, Babatunde Fowler, in his remarks, said harmonisation of identity management would capture about 40 million Nigerian workers not registered as tax payers, and would generate more funds for the government, especially as the country is in recession.

Why We May Not Work On 2017 Budget – Senate

The Senate has stated that it would not consider the 2017 Appropriation Bill until the 2017-2019 Medium-Term Expenditure Framework and Fiscal Strategy Paper scales through.
Recall that President Muhammadu Buhari had notified the National Assembly of his intention to present the Appropriation Bill on December 14, 2016.
Buhari's letter to the Assembly was read by the President of the Senate, Senator Bukola Saraki, during plenary at the Senate, on Tuesday.
The Deputy Majority Leader of the Senate, Senator Bala Ibn Na'Allah, while hinting on the possibility of presenting the budget proposals to the legislature when the MTEF/FSP had not been passed, stated that the lawmakers would not work on the bill until the framework had been approved.
He said: “What people don't understand is that the approval of the MTEF is not a precondition for accepting the budget, but it is a precondition for passing the budget into law. I want you to understand the difference.
 “What does the MTEF entail? It is giving us a graphic expectation of a country and of its income, either perceived, derived or accrued.
“Now, if the President presents the budget, on Wednesday, which we hope will be presented, the Senate will now go ahead to approve the MTEF so that it will provide the foundation for us to examine what has been presented by the President, on Wednesday, as a budget of the nation for the 2017 year.”
Buhari had sent the MTEF/FSP, which would form the basis for the national annual budget for the three years, to the National Assembly for legislative approval, and it had narrowly escaped being rejected for the second time by the Senate, on November 23.
The senators, who took turns to criticize the new version of the MTEF/FSP as well as the officials who prepared the document during the day's plenary, submitted that it should be sent back to the Executive to include the “correct” figures showing the true state of the economy.
Majority Leader, Senator Ali Ndume, had described the first version of the MTEF and FSP as “empty.

Ex-Council Chiefs Protest Illegal Salary In Anambra

TWENTY former Vice-chairmen of the local government areas in Anambra State, whose tenure ended in July, this year, have called on the Anambra State government to stop what they described as illegal payment of N40,000 into their accounts every month, since they left office, but to pay them their severance package amounting to N10.78 million for each person.
Addressing reporters, in Awka, spokesmen of the former Vice-chairmen, namely, Hon Chuks Obiweluozor for Anambra Central, Hon Michael Anedu for Anambra South and Hon Chris Arinze for Anambra North, said they found it difficult to understand what the N40,000 was for, adding that they decided to speak out to avoid getting into trouble with anti-graft agencies in future.
“We left office since July, 2016 and as such, see it as an illegality to draw salaries from the state government. It may interest you to know that up till now, the local government joint account allocation committee office still pays us salaries to the tune of N40,000 per month.
“May we sound it loud and clear that we do not need to be part of this illegality. Therefore, we call on those concerned to stop this illegality forthwith. If there should be any payment, then let the payment be correctly tagged,” they said.
They insisted that the main concern of the former council vice chairmen was their unpaid entitlements, which included furniture allowance, entertainment allowance, accommodation allowance, constituency allowance, domestic allowance, severance gratuity, utility allowance, personal staff, among others, totaling N10.78 million

Buhari's Homegrown School Feeding Programme Kicks Off In Anambra

The National Homegrown School Feeding Scheme has entered implementation stage with the feeding of primary school pupils in Anambra State.
 Speaking in Awka, Anambra State capital, the Special Assistant on Homegrown School Feeding Programme in the Office of the Vice President, Mr. Dotun Adebayo, said primary school pupils in Anambra were excited as the feeding started in their schools.
 Adebayo, who led a team of federal and state officials to some of the schools on day one of the programme implementation, said they witnessed the feeding in three schools in Awka: Community Primary School, Awka South; Central School, and Central School in Nibo.
“The pupils were excited and enjoyed the meals,” he stated, adding that the cooks in those three schools, among the total 774 already recruited and trained for the feeding programme, served 'okpa'( aka moi-moi) garnished with vegetables to the delight of the pupils, who took the meals during their break time about noonday.
All together in Anambra State, an estimated 76, 690 pupils in 1,050 schools would be served every day at school. The feeding programme caters from to pupils from primary 1 to 3, under the FG's scheme.

Python Dance: Army Gives Free Medical Service To Anambra Communities

The medical team of the 302 Artillery Regiment (General Support), on Thursday, December 8, gave free medical treatment to over 300 indigenes and non-indigenes of Azia community, in Ihiala local government area of Anambra State, as part of activities mapped out for the newly launched Operation Python Dance in the South-East.
The free medical service was supervised by Col. Issah Abdullahi, the Commander of 302 Artillery Regiment (General Support), Onitsha.
Regimental Medical Officer in charge of the medical outreach, Captain Casmir Okpe, told journalists at the Azia Town Hall, that the common ailments of the people in the area were hypertension and arthritis among the elderly, while malaria and upper respiratory tract infection were predominant among the children.
President- General of Azia community, Chief Ken Maduakor, in his speech at the venue, commended the Army for giving them free medical service, even when they did not invite them or lobby for the service.
“We did not call them and they decided to come and render medical service to our people. I am happy and excited because it is a kind of honour to our people.
“God has made them come here and we pray that God will strengthen them in their work and protect them while doing their job of rendering services to the communities

The Unworkability Of The Proposed Bill On Ecclesiastical Courts

Last week, the Bill seeking to establish the Ecclesiastical Court of Appeal of the Federal Capital Territory and the 36 states of the federation scaled through the second reading at the House of Representatives.
    The bill defines the functions and jurisdiction of the courts as well as the qualifications of their judges. The judges, according to the bill, shall be “Cardinals drawn from the Christian faith.”
    When established, the Ecclesiastical Courts “shall complement the regular courts in adjudicating in matters relating to the tenets of the Christian faith between individuals and groups that yield and submit to its jurisdiction.
    Sponsored by some questionable “Christians” led by Representative Gyang Istifanus and eight other equally doubtful Christians, the bill seeks to “exercise such appellate and supervisory jurisdiction in civil proceedings involving questions of Ecclesiastical Law and Christian Personal Law.”
    Section 27 C (1) (2) of the Bill, gives details of jurisdiction of the court, among which are any question of Christian personal law regarding marriage concluded in accordance with that law; including a question relating to the validity or dissolution of such marriage or a question that depends on such a marriage and relating to family relationship or the guardianship of an infant.”
    In the first place, the bill should be regarded as dead on arrival as it is diversionary, dubious and a duplication of extant civil and municipal law.
    Adjudication of family relationships is vested in civil courts which can determine even divorce or guardianship cases. It is even more suspicious when the judges of the spurious Ecclesiastical courts are to be “cardinals drawn from those learned in law (who) shall be required to administer justice in accordance with the Christian faith and the law of the nation.” Which cardinals does the bill mean? Catholic cardinals? Never.
    Clearly this bill seeks to oust the jurisdiction of civil courts for ulterior motives. It is even more frightening when it is suspected that the obnoxious bill seeks to oust the laws promulgated by the Universal Church and codified in the Code of Canon Law.
    Without prejudice to civil courts, the Catholic Church has ecclesiastical marriage tribunals to adjudicate matters concerning marriages. It must be borne in mind that according to the Code of Canon Law “A marriage which is ratified and consummated cannot be dissolved by any human power or by any cause other than death” (Canon 1141).
    The introduction of this contentious bill at a time when the House of Representatives was considering the enhancement of the powers of the Sharia Court of Appeal in the Federal Capital Territory to include jurisdiction over criminal matters, heightens the suspicion that Sharia law is being contemplated for the country.
    Nigeria is a secular state. Various surreptitious attempts have been made in the past to introduce Sharia into Nigeria under different guises: the unilateral registration of the country into the Organisation of Islamic  Countries (OIC), the introduction of the Islamic Bank, and the establishment of Sharia courts in some Northern states. Both the Ecclesiastical and Sharia Courts are amendment bills, meaning that they seek to add more teeth to the extant laws. This indeed is dangerous, if not disastrous to the nation.
    The Buhari-led administration is unarguably one with sympathy for the Islam, himself being a devout Muslim, a mujahidum. But Nigeria is bigger than any religious group and would certainly resist any attempt to foist any religion on them, under whatever pretence.
    We are unequivocal in condemning the proposed Ecclesiastical bill. We equally call for its immediate abrogation. Let whoever that is behind it know that the bill will never succeed. This might as well be the acid test for the country's unity

Nnewi Diocese ordains 18 deacons

The Catholic Church in Nnewi Diocese ordained 18 deacons today being 17th December, 2016. The Cathedral was filled to the brim with catholics and non catholics coming from various parts of the country to witness this great occassion.
It started with a Holy Mass presided by His lordship Most Rev Hilary Odili Okeke. In his homily, he made it point clear that the ministry of priesthood is not an easy one rather one that demands prayer and steadfastness. He admonished the candidates to be committed and cultivate the habit of prayer.
At the end of the mass, each of the deacons was received by his people.

Wednesday, 14 December 2016

MMM Nigeria freezes all confirmed accounts as panic, confusion grip Nigerians

MMM Nigeria- Members of the famous money-doubling scheme, Mavrodi Mundial Moneybox, MMM Nigeria have been thrown into panic and great confusion, Tuesday, following the message from the ponzi scheme freezing all confirmed Mavros, otherwise known as money due for withdrawal for one month. This means, all the accounts of members who are due to be paid after having ‘provided help’ (PH) to another person since the last month have been frozen and hence, have no access to request for payment, known as ‘Get Help’ (GH) until after one month. All members woke up with the shock message displayed on the screen as soon as they logged into their accounts. Giving reasons for freezing the Mavros, the scheme said it is experiencing heavy workload and want to deal with the attacks coming from the country’s mass media. Sergey Mavrodi of inventor MMM It also said it wants to prevent hitches in the coming new year hence, the freezing of the access to requesting for payments even when such person is due for payment. The message read thus: “One-Month Freezing of Confirmed Mavros” “Dear members!” “As usual, in the New Year season the System is experiencing heavy workload. Moreover, it has to deal with the constant frenzy provoked by the authorities in the mass media.” “The things are still going well; the participants feel calm; everyone gets paid – as you can see, there haven’t been any payment delays or other problems yet – but!.. it is better to avoid taking risk.:-)) (Moreover, there are almost three weeks left to the New Year.)” “Hence, on the basis of the above mentioned, from now on all confirmed Mavro will be frozen for a month.” “The reason for this measure is evident. We need to prevent any problems during the New Year season, and then, when everything calms down, this measure will be cancelled. (Which we will definitely do.:-))” “We hope for your understanding, Administration” mmm freezing notice Panic quarters and Lamentations: In a whatsapp group, MMM Nexus Solution, members of the ponzi scheme, many who are Guilders, have launched their displeasure over the new development. Many have lamented that they don’t know how to communicate the development to their downliners (Those they persuaded to stake their money in the ponzi scheme). They also argued that this decision of the scheme’s management will trigger the downfall of the scheme. They said most people will hence, be skeptical in staking their money while a good number of them said such decision is selfish and would have been better if it was conveyed to members before now. One of the members with the name, Rosy, said thus: ” This rule is obnoxious, unscrupulous, provocative, insensitive….they did not advise them well, evil prophesy coming to pass.” Another, Samroyal said: “it shouldn’t have been now when both the media and govt are predicting that it will soon collapse thereby trying to discourage pple from it.” Another member lamented thus; ” One of my down lines was supposed to pay 50k today and he has just called me to tell me he isn’t paying again till this is sorted out. Exactly my point. If millions GH in January, how will the system manage that, bearing in mind that this act of suspension of GH this period will discourage many people from joining; who will pay the January GH?” And yet another member lamented thus: “I am a member of NBA Abuja branch, tomorrow, we have a seminar on lottery, gaming, casino, MMM etc hosted by Nat lottery Comm. I have been a strong MMM advocate amongst Abuja lawyers, what do i tell them tomorrow?” Another member said: “I have been an advocate of MMM since I joined in September but this act of shifting the goalpost in the middle of the match is a very useless and stupid one by MMM. I have 3 new down lines whose 50 dollars bonus is supposed to mature on thursday, what do I tell them? I tried so hard to convince them to join mmm. What they could have done is to make all new PH to stay for one month.” However, this member seemed to be very courageous despite the message. He wrote thus: “I was drinking Hollandia yoghurt when someone called me to say that MMM has been frozen. Oboy, the Hollandia started tasting like Alomo. But no shaking….. I dey kanpe.” Recall that a similar ponzi scheme, Ultimate Cycler, crashed last two weeks and up until now, the site is yet to be alive. Although a message displayed on the site said it is undergoing maintenance, a routine it said would only last for about 6 to 12 hours, yet, for two weeks now, the site is still unaccessible. mmm When accessed, the site initially displayed an error line of code, before displaying ”Error 500” in bold letters, then it proceeded to display another message: “Be right back. We are currently updating the site to give you a more pleasurable experience and will be back online shortly. Our update estimation is to be complete over the next 6 – 12 hours. Thank you, Peter Wolfing. Also read: Fear grips Nigerians in MMM, others as ponzi website, Ultimate Cycler, crashes With the current freezing message from MMM, the fear is that it could tour the line of the crashed Ultimate Cycler. This tends to further give grounds to another school of thought who have it that all ponzi schemes do not last more than one year. In defence of MMM:mmm However, the following is a response message to members by the first Nigerian Guider, Chuddy. “Hi Mavrodians, As we all must have seen in our PO of the news on Mavro frozen for a month.” “This isn’t the first of its kind. It happens when their are excess PANIC in the system It was placed on Zimbabwe and after the duration it was lifted.” “This idea is brought forward to Calm the members down on intending Threat the FG and Mass media has planned on the system. It doesn’t mean that their is no more money in the system because in my PO now as a guider, I have about 2million+ PH orders. And I know it would be like that in most Guiders PO too. So you see!!! Money to pay out the orders wouldn’t be a problem.” “But the Admins needed to apply measures to sustain the growth of the system. In order to fight issues that may arose as a result of Massive PH already this xmas. Issues like * Uploading of Fake POP *non confirmation of orders and the rest.” “So this is the best strategy to put FG to shame. We all need not panic as our money is in safe hands. Check out your Mavros and you see your money is intact both for 30% bonuses and 20% accrued bonuses.” “You can keep PHing if you have the money, though you will definitely not be matched until Mavros are unfrozen. But that will really go a long way for you as your PH made this December will surely be giving you extra 20% after paying out next year. No cause for Alarm. We live to expect a stronger MMM by January 14th, 2017.” “Guider Chuddy.” mmm And yet, another member wrote thus in defense of MMM: ” “MMM HAS OVER ten(10) SAFTY NETS WHICH WILL NEVER MAKE IT CRASH AND U NEVER NOTICE BUT I WILL MENTION TEN(10) OUT OF THEM. 1, Pause mode 2, 14 days defrost 3, Extension of the getting help hours 4, Seeking help from neighboring country 5, No central account attached 7, Peer to peer system 8, Guider’s efforts 9 PH match hours extension 10, Website upgrades and security” “1, Pause mode This process is applied when the numbers of the people getting help is greater than the people help. The system will pause the GH transactions and allow more PH to come into the system for the duration of 2 and half months, WHICH IN OUR CASE IS JUST ONE (1) MONTH (30 DAYS) then the system will now restart and work perfectly PH means provide help and the GH means get help” “2, 14 days defrost The participants will not be able to withdraw their money until after 14 days when the payments have been confirmed. During this process, more PH would have come into the system therefore there would be pool of cash to pay the old participants. “3, Extension of GH hours this occur when there is a public holidays when the banks are not working therefore, there won’t be transaction and it may cause the problem to the system. The system will now extend the hours of the people who are getting help at that period to allow more People providing help into the system.” “4, Help seeking from neighboring country When there are more GH than PH in a country, MMM will look into the other countries which are doing well and match them together, pending the time that the affected country will be OK.” “6, No central account attached MMM does not have a certain account that we are sending to. MMM doesn’t collect your money.” “7, Peer to peer system Participants pay directly to the bank account of the other participants seeking help.” “8, Guider’s efforts Guiders are the heartbeat of MMM, guiders make sure each and everyone in MMM understand the Ideology of MMM and how it works.” “9, PH match hours extension. When the system finds out that there are more GH than PH, the system will extend the hour of old PH so that to hold down their order matches duration and during this period, the system will allow more new PH to come into the system to get it balanced.” “10, Website upgrades and security MMM spends million of dollars in taking care of their website to cub online fraud in MMM, such as scam and other Threats. 

Tuesday, 13 December 2016

Prolife Issues With Rev Fr Ofordum JohnPaul

 The knowledge of self and others is an immense help to healthy human relationships. It will especially help in marital relationships for partners to know themselves and their temperamental dispositions for healthy and harmonious relationships. Good knowledge of ourselves and temperamental dispositions will also help us to grow spiritually, psychologically, socially, physically and morally.
Without going to many analytical definitions and explanations, I wish to give a brief exposé of different types of temperamental dispositions and their strengths and weakness. It is my pleasure that after we must have read it, we become ever more disposed to accommodate people and discover ways of dealing with them.

The choleric
A choleric is one who is easily influenced by any given situation. They do not easily or quickly forget what they saw, felt or heard. If someone annoys them, they explode at once and turn 'red'. If you amuse them, they laugh heartily and boisterously.
They are natural or born leaders. They assume command easily, instinctively and ably. They confront an emergency or an enemy fearlessly. When a choleric loves, they love intensely. When they grieve, which is rare, they grieve profusely. When they hope, they hope optimistically or audaciously.

Bad qualities
A choleric is often too proud and arrogant. They cannot understand why people will not carry out their instructions. They can also be selfish or over-confident.

Advice to the choleric
What you need to learn is to fight pride and learn humility. You can become a holy hero, a gentle genius and a lovable leader. Examples of choleric who overcame their faults and became saints are: St. Paul, St. Ignatius of Loyola.

The word sanguine comes from the Latin word “sanguis” which means blood. The sanguine is warm-hearted. Everybody likes their company because they have the most appealing qualities in man. Some of the qualities they have that make them endearing to people friendliness, sense of humor, candor i.e. frank and open.
 They are obedient. They respond quickly to an external stimulus. They laugh heartily at your jokes, cry feelingly at your accident, and congratulate you for your success.

His weak points
In a nutshell, they tend to be lazy. They lack determination. They are unreliable. They are changeable. They talk too much. They are naïve.
With God's redeeming and refining grace, the soft sanguine can overcome their faults.

The phlegmatic
A phlegmatic individual thinks too much but says little, plans and ponders and works out their projects in minute details. They will act, and act well but only when they have calmly calculated all the possibilities in the case. They do their work painstakingly.
They are cautious and conservative. They are very practical. They are very patient. St Thomas Aquinas and St. Thomas the Apostle were to a great extent great phlegmatics.

Bad qualities
They are not sociable. They are stubborn. They are extremely cautious.

The melancholic
The melancholic individual is known for their dark, brooding, pessimistic and pensive tendencies. In short, the melancholic almost always sees the dark side of things. They frown frequently. There is hardly any smile on their face.
They dwell on difficulties and unpleasant exaggerate circumstances and them. They are prone to sadness and to despair. Like the phlegmatic, their response to stimuli is slow, sluggish and feeble. Their reactions to situations are deep and their impressions lasting.
They are good spiritual advisers. If you require advice particularly in matters spiritual, seek out melancholic individual. They will ponder on every of your problems, pray over them and then offer a prudent solution. They are also artistic and spiritual.

Their bad qualities
They are boring and unbearable. They are irresolute. They are also revengeful and resentful of others, they are proud and over-sensitive.
To grow, they should try to have little for jokes and smiles and socializing. They tend to be generous. They should try to create little time for physical exercises.

Economic Recession and Stagnant Wages

There was a time, when the monetary value of one Naira was more than a United States (US) Dollar. Those were the days of milk and honey in our dear country, Nigeria; days when the total revenue of the country overwhelmingly superseded the population, when our government could magnanimously and superfluously come to the rescue of any other nation in penury and squalor; when Nigerian are highly respected outside the shores of Nigeria and treated with dignity, when an average Nigeria could brag of spending above 4 Dollars a day; when a neighbouring country Ghana, for instance, could perch on our exuberant resources for survival; they havened in Nigeria for years. Days, when workers' earning overrides their necessary wants and demands, yet reserve some as their savings; a time when Nigeria was the pride and giant of Africa, though, looking at the status quo, Nigeria giant rating in African continent is questionable.
Peradventure, as it stands now, an average Nigerian can barely afford his food twice daily because three-square meal is now a history to them, not to talk of clothing, health and other inevitable needs. Nigeria is in an economic recession; prices of commodities in the market have all risen devastatingly, ready to exceed the horizon, and no longer coming down any time sooner. Meanwhile, prices of essential commodities such as Petrol, Garri, Oil, among others are all in the same marathon race. Although all prices are no longer the same as before, yet workers' remuneration remains stagnant in different establishment and organizations.
The good old days are gone and far from our reach, it's quite disheartening and appalling for Nigeria owing to the fact that they now languish in poverty and destitution, and Nigerians are fervently yearning for its return whenever they sense these nostalgic memories of good living in retrospect. I long for the good old days, workers do and above all Nigerians long for high standard of living. Workers in our dear country pains to our economic recession owing to the fact that their Salaries have remained the same as of the time Nigeria experienced Oil boom and it's very devastating due to the fact that the earnings aren't longer sufficient for their upkeep, let alone with that of their wards
One Naira is tantamount to above N400 and with this hole-leaping margin between One Naira and Dollar; things are gone haywire in the market all to the detriment of workers and Nigerians. Looking at the status quo in Nigeria, workers are in dire need of sufficient earnings so as to make both ends meet in their respective homes because, “one is what one eats” and when one don't feed on quality and health nourishing foods, one tend not to exercise his/her duties and obligations appropriately.
Nonetheless, an adage says that a hungry man is an angry man, when one is in short of the necessities for survival; there is every tendency that one would be angry with his employer, his colleagues, his surrounding, and the government and even with what he does for life sustenance. Perhaps, when a worker precisely, is angry with himself and his occupation, underwhelming performance will be its eventual result. And when it happens, sub-standard products and goods are the outcome. Thus, I guess that should be one of the major rationales, why Nigeria end up producing inadequate products which Nigerians are even scared to utilize and patronize, not to talk of exporting them to other countries. Certainly no rational country can patronize such. Is it not so excruciatingly awkward? That expatriates in our country come over here with their food, wears, cooking utensils and even water, one can imagine! That impression is to bare to us that they are paranoid of our products. What a slap on our faces and that of our government who spearheaded this odorous stigma in our country. Moreover, one cannot blame these foreigners due to the fact that we live in a country where everything is virtually imported, our government import food such a rice, beans and as low as importing toothpick, even when we are endowed with fertile land and population(Man-power).
My heart bleeds to the fact that we have these God given endowments and man power here in our blessed country yet our government neglects them all. Our corrupt government opted and preferred importing in exchange with our nature resources that are supposed to be reserved if those things are manufactured here. Rather for them to inspire and encourage our workers and local producer in our own country they alternate making our countries' products superior to ours, and later we expect them to come here and patronize those acclaimed inferior goods of ours.
For instance, we import refined oil where as we have our crude oil and refineries all in redundancies here, our government import police wears and other security agencies' including belts, shoes etc while we blatantly allow talented dress makers and shoe makers in Abia state (Aba) especially, and other states to produce inferior products owing to the very fact that they lack sophisticated facilities and equipments to fly high and produce world competing products, The list goes on and on, they are too numerous to enumerate. Nigeria as a country can produce virtually all these things here and even export them for foreign exchange, but our government is not coming up with incentives and encouragement to propel and boost our producing strength, rather they drag our individual efforts to mud.
However, it has made our country a mono-economy because ever since crude oil was discovered in Nigeria, we have embraced oil hopelessly and have outrageously dumped all other sources of revenue. Our government forsook agriculture, manufacturing and others while country like Malaysia that are less endowed when juxtaposed with Nigeria in terms of nature endowments, is now ranking among the best palm oil producing country and have enriched the country with agriculture despite the fact that they took Palm tree seedlings from Nigeria some years back as speculation may have it.
It's quite visible to the blind and audible to the deaf that our country is in an economic quagmire and as such in hyper inflation period, with other uncertainties that have engulfed the economic progression of Nigeria which on a daily basis is eroding the magnitude of her citizens' modus vivendi. Consequently, workers are less remunerated amidst high price of commodities in the market, therefore, to make both ends meet, some workers engage in rash doings such as bribing, embezzlement, robbery, scam, fraud etc all in an attempt to keep up to daily needs and inevitable wants. Is it not quite egregious and anathema? that our government is the architect of all this brouhaha and mess.
To crown it all, it's a clarion call to our government, directors, C.E.Os, heads and managers of business organisation and ventures to re-strategize, look into their workers' predicament situation and sort for a way to increase their remuneration so that they can march up with this inflation, Although economist have it that salary earners suffer in time of inflation because their earnings would remain stagnant while other things climb the roof. ASUU' recent strike, warning strike as they called, was as a result of poor remuneration and treatment. Workers are sacred and should be treated as such because they are the working strength of any nations so they should be well paid most especially in this present economic anarchy which our incumbent government has pioneered.